+1 604-584-2771 / 604-584-2771 / +16045842771 / 6045842771

Subhan N

The number which is mentioned above 6045842771 and below are scam numbers. Be aware of this number – Surrey, BC (Canada)
They will call you and will try to ask for your personal information, make sure not to share any confidential details with anyone and be more cautious with these mentioned numbers –
+1 604-584-2771 / 604-584-2771 / +16045842771 / 6045842771

People commented about this number- “The bottom line is, if you have a badge and you break the law you are worse than a criminal because you hide behind the law and took an oath to uphold the law and protect people”.

“Good thing the story is already being investigated out of RCMP hands πŸ˜‰”.

“I agree nobody gives a %@!#$,we are being surveillance 24/7..** privacy Thanks Weasel & Surrey RCMP 🀫”.

“Nobody gives a !$@%# about this co-op anymore,half of the old folks will die before the new one gets built,the other half moves out simple πŸ€—”.

“Dictator Dave deserves it,he made his bed but constantly attacking Jerry’s family for the last 15 months non stop 😠”.

“The news is Jerry and EMI are taking Fould’s to court,first case at the end of August after that 4 more cases They will drag him through the legal system for the next few years along with Mary Lou & Lorraine 😱”.

“Thanks for the update”.

“OMG 😱they’ve got Mary 😱”.

“Yes it will,with all the info that is %#!@$ng out we will end up in the newspaper or TV 🀫”.

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