+1 704-235-1551 / 704-235-1551 / +17042351551 / 7042351551

Subhan N

The number which is mentioned above 7042351551 and below is scam numbers. Be aware from this number of – North Carolina (United States)
They will call you and will try to ask your personal information, make sure not to share any confidential details with anyone and be more cautious with these mentioned numbers – +1 704-235-1551 / 704-235-1551 / +17042351551 / 7042351551 as they can be fraud.

People commented about this number- “An anonymous person left a card in our rural mailbox, with the phone number above, and the only clue to who or what this entity is appears in TEENY print identifying its source as Lake Wylie NC. Whoever had the card printed used my middle name in a familiar way, and said he/she/it wanted to buy all our property here at this address and any other property we might own. “as-is for CASH..I will pay all closing costs.” This person claimed to be “a local investor” in my small town. If he/she/it has nefarious designs, as evidenced by his lack of either his name, address or website, I’d better not see a strange person park at the top of our driveway and start nosing about. A tree is likely to fall on him/her/it, as the woods here are so old, every storm brings down huge limbs and whole trees. Two 50-year-old buildings (barn & garage/woodshed) disintegrate daily. This nameless investor wouldn’t have much except invasive plants and 60-ft-high trees. Also remnants of a wire pasture fence.”

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