All you need to know about World Statistics Day


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When do people celebrate World Statistics Day?

World Statistics Day occurs every five years on October 20th. People celebrate this to uphold the achievements of the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics. Statistics involves the collection, analysis, and interpretation of large amounts of numerical data. Statistics are very vital. This is the field of mathematics that allows scientists to make new discoveries. It helps industries make safer products. Pharmacists develop more effective medications when using statistics. When meteorologists are about to predict the weather, they rely on statistics to be accurate. Even investors can make better financial decisions, all thanks to statistics.

Virtually every industry in the world benefits from statistical research and data. Individuals also use statistics for a variety of reasons on a daily basis. Statistics help an individual to prove facts and make important decisions. Statistics also play an essential role in tracking trends and finding patterns in various areas. For all these reasons, statistics deserve a celebration.

When did people establish the commission?

The United Nations Statistical Commission was established in 1947. This commission aims to bring together the Chief Statisticians from member states all around the world. The primary function of the Statistical Commission is to set statistical standards. Along with it, the commission develops statistical concepts and methods. This happens at the national and international levels. It was only in 1994 that the Statistical Commission adopted the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics. On October 20, 2010, the Statistical Commission proposed to celebrate the first World Statistics Day. In 2012, the commission decided that the celebration would take place every five years.

Use of statistics

In the modernized era of living statistics contribute to making things easier and faster. As observed, statistics give a clear glimpse of one’s past and present status. This is more importantly one of the essential factors for any country. People celebrate World statistics day every five years as said earlier. Statistics are vital and do play a significant role in growth and development in all aspects of a country. The United Nations Statistical Commission was established in 1947. Only in 1994, the Statistical Commission adopted the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics. According to Resolution 69/282, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) agreed to celebrate World Statistics Day on 20 October, every five years.

History of World Statistics Day

People celebrated the first World Statistics Day in 2010 with the theme of “Celebrating the Many Achievements in Statistic”. The day reflects the clear state of growth and achievement of the country. It also inspires others to dedicate more to the betterment of statics. Countries contribute and collaborate together on statistical management. The day also resembles the trust people build with the help of statistics. One such significant example of this was witnessed at the World Statistics Day 2020 when the day was celebrated with the theme Connecting the world with data we can trust.” ”Cognitive psychology tells us that the unaided human mind is vulnerable to many fallacies and illusions because of its reliance on its memory for vivid anecdotes rather than systematic statistics” by Steven Pinker. It is the mirror image that resembles how important statistics are in day-to-day life.

How does people celebrate this day?

Over 100 countries celebrate World Statistics Day. On this eve, the global statistical community showcases achievements and ongoing work in this field. A variety of industries gives statistical reports on this day. One must think about how often he or she uses statistics during the day. Entrepreneurs use statistics to make financial decisions. One checks the weather every day. If one does all these, there’s a good chance that statistics help make these tasks easier. Even though you might not see a direct correlation, statistics are bound to influence their everyday life.

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