Recently, on 26th July, India celebrated Kargil Vijay Diwas. Amazon Prime Originals is releasing a movie named ‘Shershah’ on the concept of the Kargil war. Let’s get to know about everything.
Kargil Vijay Diwas is observed every 26 July in India, to observe India’s victory over Pakistan in the Kargil war, in honor of the Kargil War’s Heroes. This day is observed all over India. In Delhi, Prime Minister pays homage to the soldiers at Amar Jawan Jyoti.
The Kargil War, in other words, called the Kargil conflicts, was an outfitted clash battled among India and Pakistan from May to July 1999 in the Kargil region of Kashmir and somewhere else along the Line of Control (LoC). In India, the contention is additionally alluded to as Operation Vijay, which was the name of the Indian military activity to get out the Kargil sector. The Indian Air Force’s part in acting mutually with Indian Army ground troops during the conflict was pointed toward flushing out ordinary and sporadic soldiers of the Pakistan Army from cleared Indian situations along the LoC.
The reason for the conflict was the invasion of Pakistani soldiers—masked as Kashmiri aggressors—into positions on the Indian side of the LoC, which was in position as the true boundary between the two states in Kashmir. During the underlying phases of the conflict, Pakistan accused the battling altogether on free Kashmiri extremists, however, reports were abandoned by losses, and later, Pakistan’s Prime Minister and Chief of Army Staff showed the contribution of Pakistani paramilitary forces: General Ashraf Rashid led this. The Indian Air Force later joined the Indian army, fought with great bravery, and recovered a larger part of the situation on the Indian side of the LoC. Confronting worldwide political resistance, Pakistani powers pulled out from the excess Indian situations along the LoC.
Kargil warfare is the recent example of political issues made by Pakistan and how aggressive that can be. But in the end, Pakistan didn’t get what it wanted. And Indian army announced on 26th July that their mission is successful. But the victory came at a high price. The official casualties of the Indian soldiers were 527, while that of the Pakistani soldiers were between 357 and 453.