Former Team India all-rounder Yuvraj Singh announced his retirement from international cricket two years ago. After that, Yuvraj has been taking part in different leagues around the globe. This included the Road Safety World Series, Global T20 League, Abu Dhabi T10 league, among many others. Yuvraj Singh on Tuesday took to Instagram. There, he made an announcement that he is looking forward to being back on the cricket field again. He said that he will return to the pitch in the month of February. This talented player, however, did not reveal the name of the tournament he is going to feature. He also urged fans to keep supporting Team India. He said this because India had lost their first two games of the ongoing T20 World Cup. And it seemed that people were starting to lose hope in the team.
“God decides your destiny !! On public demand, I will be back on the pitch hopefully in February! There is nothing like this feeling! Thank you for your love and wishes. They mean a lot to me! Keep supporting India. It’s our team and a true fan will show his or her support in tough times. #JaiHind,” he captioned a video on Twitter.
In June 2019, Yuvraj announced his retirement from international cricket after giving an emotional speech at an event in Mumbai. “After 25 years, I have decided to move on. Cricket has given me everything and is the reason why I stand here today. I was extremely lucky to play 400 games for India. I could have never imagined it when I first started my career in cricket. Through this journey, some matches that remain in my memory are — the 2002 NatWest series final, my first Test hundred in Lahore in 2004, the 2007 Test series in England, of course, the six sixes, and the 2007 T20 World Cup. And then the most memorable one was the 2011 World Cup finals,” he had said.
Yuvraj had made his international debut during an ICC Knockout Tournament in Nairobi, Kenya in 2000. He made his Test debut in front of his home fans in Mohali against New Zealand in 2003. Yuvraj was also a part of India’s T20 World Cup-winning team in 2007 and the 2011 50-over World Cup-winning team. This person was named Player of the Tournament after India defeated Sri Lanka in the final in Mumbai. In total, Yuvraj Singh played 40 Tests, 304 ODIs, and 58 T20Is, amassing more than 10,000 runs across formats. Therefore, the fans are expecting much more from him. They are waiting with bated breath to find out what happens when Yuvraj sets foot on the field.