The BJP government of Uttar Pradesh listed its achievements on the completion of its four and a half years of tenure. It has only six months left to rule. However, the Opposition hit out on Sunday,19th September at Yogi. They called the Yogi-led tenure frightening and disappointing for the people.
In a tweet, Akhilesh Yadav, the president of the Samajwadi Party wrote that the BJP government led by Yogi in Uttar Pradesh has highlighted 16 pages of lies. It seemed as if the BJP has highlighted the textbook of ‘International Centre for Lies’. However, the Yogi-led BJP government can only run these lies in online classes. In reality, the people or the general public won’t ever believe them. He also said that the period of four and a half years of rule has been frightening as well as disappointing. It is like a non-starting government despite it having a double engine. He claimed that the government could not fulfill even one of its pre-poll promises in the long tenure it had completed. So he had doubts that they would be able to do anything during the remaining six months of its rule.
Akhilesh said, “The government is busy giving advertisements and is only making announcements and laying foundation stones. The CM forgets that the people know that the work he could not do in 4.5 years will not be done in six months. They have not a single achievement to boast of in the last 4.5 years. They have only labeled work done by the Samajwadi Party as their own and have changed names. There is not one project for which the foundation was laid under this government and it was inaugurated. The BJP has not looked back at its manifesto and the promises it made in 2017.”
According to Akhilesh, it was the main work of the party to humiliate women, Dalits, and the backward. The law and order in the state was a joke. They were compromising democracy and attacking the Constitution of the country. He was sure that the BJP’s time was over and the SP would form the government next year to ensure a welfare state.
The president of the Bahujan Samaj Party president, Mayawati also made Twitter the weapon to slam the claims made by the government. She said, “The claims made in the advertisements by BJP for 4.5 years of change are all in the air and very far from the ground realities and the truth. Because of the difference in what they say and what they do and increased poverty, unemployment, and inflation, people’s plight is well known.”
In India, we hold Yogis with the utmost regard as champions of the truth. Therefore, any Yogi that lies is simply an impersonation. Hence, we know that when UP’s CM Yogi claims that there have been no riots in the state since BJP came to power, he is not telling the truth. The CM’s recent lie directly contradicts his own written reply in the Assembly over the anti-CAA protests in February 2020. He quoted, “In the past six months, 21 persons were killed in riots, protests, sit-ins in the state. The NCRB data also punctures the claim made by the BJP government in Uttar Pradesh. According to them, 5714 cases of rioting in UP were reported in 2019, 8908 in 2018, and 8990 in 2017.
Another interesting fact has come to view. The top three states that reported the most instances of rioting for the years 2017, 2018, and 2019 were all BJP-ruled states. In 2017, UP was ranked number 1 in ‘communal incidents.’ It was the same year that Yogi Adityanath became the CM of the state. It is actually very easy to challenge these claims made by the UP government after just a brief look at the daily newspapers. In fact, in 2020 alone, the police charged at least 135 people with rioting in the Bilariagunj area of Azamgarh. By now, every citizen has understood BJP’s chronology. First, they lie blatantly, then they say there is no data, and finally, when everything is out in the open, they turn a blind eye